275. Infanterie
a progressive living history group
The 275. Infanterie is a group of authenticity-minded reenactors who perpetuate the memory and tradition of the German Army of the Second World War. As reenactors, we participate in displays and battle reconstructions to further our own, as well as the public's understanding of the men who fought in this world-changing conflict.
We are based in Chicago, IL and have members from across the midwest.
Our primary impression is that of the average German infantryman of June, 1944 through January, 1945.
We do not support or condone the practice of any extremist political views, specifically National Socialism or the Nazi Party in any way.
We are based in Chicago, IL and have members from across the midwest.
Our primary impression is that of the average German infantryman of June, 1944 through January, 1945.
We do not support or condone the practice of any extremist political views, specifically National Socialism or the Nazi Party in any way.